Grow Your B2B Business with LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
If you’re a B2B business looking to connect with other industry professionals and decision-makers, LinkedIn is the place for you. Let our LinkedIn marketing company help you look your best and build your professional network while you focus on your business.
Where real business gets done…
Many small businesses realize that social media can be a marketing powerhouse, yet very few are harnessing the power of LinkedIn marketing. If you have a niche B2B business, sites like Facebook or Instagram can seem like a waste of time. Too much focus on consumer products, personal photos, and cat videos. You’re looking to invest your digital marketing dollars where real business gets done.
With a network of over 750 million professionals, LinkedIn is the perfect platform for B2B marketing. Our Lancaster digital marketing agency delivers LinkedIn marketing solutions that help you build your professional presence and connect with decision-makers. You’ll discover the power of LinkedIn for generating traffic, leads, and sales.
LinkedIn Marketing Solutions For Your Business–and You!
Growing your business on LinkedIn starts with a strong company presence, but that’s where most companies stop. LinkedIn – like any social network – is about building real relationships with people. That’s where our LinkedIn marketing company can help. We go beyond just managing your business page – we’ll help you connect with your audience from your personal profile too!
Get Started with LinkedIn Marketing Services
Is LinkedIn Really Useful for Business?
Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
LinkedIn isn’t just for posting jobs. It’s the leading platform to network and build relationships with other business professionals. Here are a few reasons you should use LinkedIn marketing should be part of your B2B marketing strategy:
Create brand awareness & expand your network
LinkedIn marketing gets your B2B business in front of the right people. Unlike other social platforms, LinkedIn is designed to reach a higher caliber audience of business people. Its network includes over 180 million senior influencers and 63 million decision-makers. Using LinkedIn’s wide range of marketing solutions, you can increase your visibility and engage leaders in your industry.
Be a thought leader
If your business is already doing content marketing, you’re missing out if you’re not using LinkedIn marketing. Professionals like to stay informed. LinkedIn is where they go for news, advice, and insight. Using LinkedIn’s content creation and distribution tools, we’ll position you as a knowledgeable thought leader in your industry.
Drive traffic to your website
Any good digital marketing campaign should drive traffic back to your website. LinkedIn marketing excels at this. In fact, 50% of all social media traffic to B2B websites comes from LinkedIn. Compared to Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn marketing solutions are better at getting your target audience to click back to your website.
Generate leads
LinkedIn is rated the #1 platform for B2B lead generation. Between sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text ads, and more, LinkedIn is the leading ad platform for B2B small business advertising. Bottom line: if you want to gain new customers from social media marketing, LinkedIn marketing has the right solutions for you.